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Lip Reduction New York

Lip reduction alters the size and shape of the lips to achieve a more harmonious facial balance. If you’re looking for a lip reduction in New York, please contact our team to organize a consultation with Dr. Kaplan, a board-certified plastic surgeon.

Many people in New York believe their lips are too big and want lip reduction. Cheiloplasty, or lip reduction surgery, is a cosmetic procedure that offers a solution for large lips that appear to overwhelm other facial features.

Many people in New York believe their lips are too big and want lip reduction. Cheiloplasty, or lip reduction surgery, is a cosmetic procedure that offers a solution for large lips that appear to overwhelm other facial features.

About Lip Reduction In New York

The main goal of New York patients interested in lip reduction surgery is to correct abnormalities and redefine their lip lines to balance out the volume of both the lower and upper lips. Matching the size of their lips to the overall facial features is crucial for many individuals.

Many New Yorkers visit Dr. Gordon Kaplan for lip reduction to address overly large or deformed lips caused by genetics, previous lip enhancement procedures, or medical concerns such as lip ptosis.

People often seek lip reduction to reverse silicone injection deformities. In the past, people sought silicone injections because they permanently volumize the lips, but this permanence leads to several complications in aesthetics and health. Dr. Kaplan is proud to offer lip reduction treatments for silicone lips in New York.

Dr. Kaplan is a board-certified surgeon who understands the art of lip reduction and its complex anatomy. In each procedure he delivers, he uses his rich skills to treat both form and function synergistically. He aims to help his patients feel more confident and functionally comfortable with their lips. 

Lip Reduction Benefits

Lip reduction is a safe and effective treatment for making the lips smaller and bringing balance to the face. Some of the key benefits of this procedure include:

  • Improves proportion between upper and lower lips
  • Removes excess lip tissues and products 
  • Creates harmony with other facial features
  • Improves functionality issues caused by medical conditions
  • Increases confidence for those unhappy with the size of their lips
  • Corrects asymmetries 

Procedure And Pricing

Lip reduction involves removing the excess tissue from the lip area. The surgery is usually performed with local anesthesia, although oral sedation is available to provide additional comfort and relaxation if required. The length of surgery may last about an hour. The incisions are made inside the mouth, reducing the risk of visible scarring. After removing the excess skin and tissue, Dr. Gordon Kaplan closes the incision using small sutures, often made from dissolvable materials.

Pricing for lip reduction in New York is as follows:

Single $3,000 – $5,000

Bilateral $3,000- $6,000

Lip reduction with silicone removal $7,000-$7,500

Lip Reduction New York Recovery

As it is a relatively straightforward procedure, the recovery period after a New York lip reduction is not as lengthy as most cosmetic surgeries. We still encourage you to follow Dr. Kaplan’s instructions during this time for the best results and safest healing.

You should be able to return to usual activities such as work, running errands, and house chores in as little as one week after lip reduction. 

We recommend following a soft diet and avoiding strenuous exercise for two weeks after your lip reduction. This period may be longer or shorter for individual patients as everyone heals differently. You must consult Dr. Kaplan before returning to your usual diet and returning to the gym.

Most swelling and bruising should fade within 2-3 weeks, but be patient with your body during this time. We recommend applying pressure with ice packs and over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen to limit swelling and discomfort.

You may feel tightness in your lips as you make certain facial expressions like smiling or opening your mouth wide for several weeks to months after surgery. 

Most people take one week off work after lip reduction. It’s essential to limit the movement of your lips during the first week or two after lip reduction, so if your job requires a lot of talking, we recommend taking at least one week away from work to ensure your incisions heal properly.

Potential Risks

As with any cosmetic surgery, lip reduction has mild risks like bleeding, swelling, bruising, numbness, and itchiness. Other possible risks may include:

  • Scarring
  • Tightness
  • Looseness of stitches sooner than expected
  • Irregularities in muscular function
  • Infection
  • Loss of sensation 
  • Over or under-reduction

Lip Reduction New York Candidates

The ideal candidate for lip reduction hopes to reduce the size of their lips for personal reasons, which may include:

  • Reducing the size of their large lips that causes their low self-esteem
  • Adding balance to their facial features
  • To improve functionality 
  • To reverse previous lip enhancement results that they are unhappy with
  • Improving abnormalities in their lips after trauma or disease

Other characteristics of good lip reduction candidates include:

  • They are in good overall health
  • They have realistic surgical expectations
  • They are non-smokers

The Before & After images below highlight the remarkable results achievable through Lip Reduction surgery

Lip Reduction
4 months post-operative
Lip Reduction
1-year post-operative
Lip Reduction
3 months post-operative
Lip Reduction: Upper and lower lip
Lip Reduction: Upper and lower lip
Lip Reduction: Upper and lower lip

What do our patients think?

Lip Reduction At The Kaplan Center In NY And NJ

We are here to answer any questions or concerns about the Lip Reduction treatment. As a premier cosmetic surgery and aesthetic treatment facility in New York and New Jersey, we are well-prepared to serve your Lip Reduction needs. To learn more about a Lip Reduction treatment with The Kaplan Center or to request a consultation at our New York City or Edgewater, please call our office or Contact Us to discuss your options.